【MoneyHero x The Club 推廣條款及細則 (2023年9月)



最後更新於 01 九月, 2023
  • 「透過MoneyHero成功申請指定卡獲指定獎賞」之條款及細則:

    1. 推廣2023831日下午62023103日下午6時(「推廣期」)
    2. 客戶需於推廣期內透過指定MoneyHero網頁(指定連結:https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x)成功申請並獲批指定信用卡,並符合MoneyHero所需條件( 詳情請瀏覽https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x)以獲得指定獎賞(「獎賞」)。指定信用卡將於指定連結上列出,而每張信用卡均受其各自的條款及細則約束(詳情請瀏覽https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x)。在完成申請指定信用卡後,需於MoneyHero獎賞換領表格選擇獎賞。每項獎賞數量有限,先到先得,換完即止。 客戶可瀏覽此網頁(https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x)以查閱指定信用卡的指定獎賞詳情及換領獎賞所需的條件。
    3. 獎賞將以相等價值的Club積分提供給客戶,客戶可於指定期限內透過指定連結在The Club平台使用Club積分兌換獎賞。 MoneyHero 將向合資格客戶提供唯一的 Club積分推廣碼(「推廣碼」),可用於在指定期限內透過指定連結在 The Club 換領 Club積分(見下文第 4 條)。 客戶須同意成功使用推廣碼換領Club積分並不代表成功預訂或訂購獎賞的實際產品。顧客隨後可使用推廣碼所換領的Club積分以兌換獎賞的實際產品(見下文第5條)。推廣碼所換領的Club積分將根據所選擇之獎賞而有所不同,詳情請瀏覽此網頁(https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x)。
    4. 獲取和使用Club積分推廣碼之詳情:
    5. 客戶必須根據MoneyHero所要求的指定期限內提供The Club會籍編號以獲取推廣碼。推廣碼僅適用於由客戶向MoneyHero 提供的The Club會籍編號相關的The Club帳戶。 客戶須同意 MoneyHero 將包括The Club會籍編號的相關資訊傳輸到The Club,用於創建唯一的推廣碼以及存入Club積分。客戶必須是The Club 會員(「The Club 會員」),由Club HKT Limited(「The Club 」)營運的會員獎賞計劃,才可使用推廣碼和Club積分。
    6. 推廣期結束後的16星期內,並由指定銀行成功驗證客戶獲得獎賞的資格後(以較晚者為準),MoneyHero將向客戶發送電郵至所註冊的電郵地址(申請信用卡後經MoneyHero獎賞換領表格提供的電郵地址),並附上指定表格以讓客戶在電郵發送之日起計7日內填寫及交回The Club會籍編號。在收到客戶The Club會籍編號後起計4星期內,MoneyHero將向合資格客戶發送「兌換獎賞」的電子郵件(「通知電郵」),其中包含一個唯一的推廣碼,以在The Club平台換領Club積分並存入客戶的The Club帳戶。
    7. 客戶必須確保在申請信用卡後經MoneyHero獎賞換領表格提供的正確的電郵地址,以便將指定表格和推廣碼能發送給客戶。MoneyHero不會為錯誤電郵地址導致不能發送推廣碼而負責。客戶必須於通知電郵發出當日起計90日內於The Club 指定網頁 (https://www.theclub.com.hk/zh/my-account/manage-my-clubpoint.html) The Club應用程式 內「 管理我的Club積分」頁面輸入推廣碼換領Club積分。推廣碼僅在通知電郵發出當日起計90日內有效。客戶隨後可於通知電郵發出當日起計90日內於「專屬獎賞」頁面以Club積分兌換指定獎賞。如客戶未能在有效期內以推廣碼換領Club積分和/或以Club積分兌換獎賞,則推廣碼和/或兌換指定獎賞的權利將被沒收,並且客戶將不會獲得任何補償。
    8. 推廣碼僅適用於由客戶向MoneyHero 提供的The Club會籍編號相關的The Club帳戶。如因客戶提供錯誤資料而無法存入相關 Club 積分,將視作放棄論,The Club不承擔任何責任,也不給予任何賠償。 如有因推廣碼所引起或與之相關的任何爭議,The Club MoneyHero將有最終決定權。The Club MoneyHero不會就任何推廣碼失效或遺失等負責。此推廣碼之 Club 積分受 The Club 之條款及細則(https://www.theclub.com.hk/zh/terms-and-conditions.html)及此條款及細則約束。The Club 的所有優惠、設施、特惠、獎勵及服務受可供應情況所影響,並或會隨時變更而不作另行通知。 有關 The Club 平台的詳情或查詢,請聯絡 The Club客戶服務熱線 (852) 183 3000。有關推廣碼的詳情或查詢,請聯絡 MoneyHero 的客戶服務熱線 (852) 3018 9760
    9. 推廣碼由MoneyHero提供,所獲得之Club積分數量將顯示於通知電郵上。如對此推廣活動的Club積分賺取資格及計算等有任何疑問,請瀏覽MoneyHero網頁(https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x)或以發送電郵至MoneyHerosupport@moneyhero.com.hk)或請聯絡 MoneyHero 客戶服務熱線 (852) 3018 9760以了解更多詳情或查詢相關推廣資訊。
    10. The Club並非與MoneyHero 相關之服務或產品的服務供應商,並且不會對其服務或產品(包括但不限於質量、適用性和可用性),The Club亦不承擔與MoneyHero服務或產品的任何責任。
    11. 兌換獎賞的實際產品之詳情:
    12. 獎賞的有效期為由MoneyHero通知電郵發出當日起計90日內(「有效期」)。
    13. 合資格客戶可在有效期內兌換獎賞,其實際產品將添加至合資格客戶的The Club帳戶中「專屬獎賞」頁面以供有效期內兌換。合資格客戶可於有效期內按照通知電郵內的指示選擇是否兌換獎賞的實際產品。
    14. 獎賞的實際產品之詳情(包括但不限於產品描述、領取或送貨詳情)均列於The Club平台上每個獎賞的詳情頁面。領取或送貨服務由The Club平台提供,並受The Club推廣頁面所列的相關條件約束(詳情請瀏覽https://www.theclub.com.hk/en/campaigns/moneyhero-exciting-rewards.html),及受其他Club Shopping的條款及細則約束(詳情請瀏覽https://shop .theclub.com.hk/terms-and-conditions)。
    15. 各個獎賞受其條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱其相關產品網頁及由The Club於兌換獎賞後所發出的電子換領信。
    16. 此獎賞不可與其他折扣、優惠或推廣同時使用,其他優惠碼不適用於此獎賞。
    17. 此獎賞不可轉售、兌換現金或 Club 積分。
    18. 獎賞的實際產品之實際供貨數量、供貨時間及送貨時間均以實際供應情況為準。由於供應情況受到多種因素的影響,包括但不限於供應商的運輸安排和供應,因此無法保證獎賞的實際產品供應和/或領取和/或送貨日期,並且兌換獎賞的實際產品之訂單或會取消而不作另行通知。The Club並不作出任何聲明或保證客戶能夠兌換獎賞的實際產品和/或在預計送貨日期收到獎賞的實際產品或無法收到獎賞的實際產品。實際送貨日期將根據客戶選擇的運輸方式、實際產品供應情況、天氣狀況、交通狀況和其他因素而有所不同。 有關Club Shopping 的物流與配送政策,請參閱https://shop.theclub.com.hk/shipping-policyThe Club和 MoneyHero 保留修改和/或取消獎賞或用其他產品替代的權利而不作另行通知。
    19. 獎賞只適用於合資格客戶,不可轉讓予他人。
    20. 所有產品圖片只供參考。
    21. The Club並非獎賞的供應商,The Club不會對由MoneyHero或獎賞供應商所提供的產品或設施或服務作出任何陳述或保證,包括但不限於質量及/或安全及/或適用性及/或可用性,The Club無須因而為產品使用者負上任何責任。除非法律要求,否則在任何情況下,於產品使用期間或產品相關的因素招致之任何損害、損失、人身傷害、意外、延誤或不正常情況,不論怎樣發生、持續或遭受,The Club對該等情況概不負責。
    22. 兌換奬賞受The Club (https://www.theclub.com.hk/zh/terms-and-conditions.html) ) Club Shopping (https://shop. theclub.com.hk/terms-and-conditions)及相關供應商各自之條款及細則約束。
    23. 如有任何爭議,MoneyHero 對與獎賞有關的所有事宜保留最終決定權。 如有查詢,請聯繫 MoneyHero的客戶服務熱線 (852) 3018 9760

    24. 本條款及細則的中英文版本如有任何差異,一概以英文版本為準。
















    Terms and Conditions for Promotion of getting Designated Reward upon Successful Application of Designated Card(s) through MoneyHero:

    1. The promotion period is from 31 Aug 2023 18:00 to 3 Oct 2023 18:00 ("Promotion Period").
    2. During the promotion period, customers will need to successfully apply for and be approved for Designated Card(s) through the designated MoneyHero website (designated link: https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x) and fulfil all conditions required by MoneyHero (for details, please visit https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x) in order to receive the designated reward (“Reward Item”). Designated Card(s) will be listed on the designated link, and each credit card is subjected to its own Terms and Conditions (for details, please visit https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x). The Reward Item is to be selected during submission of MoneyHero’s reward redemption form after the application of Designated Card(s). Reward Item are of limited quantity and available on a first-come-first-served basis while quotas last. Customers can visit this website (https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x) to view the details of the Reward Item for the Designated Card(s) and the required conditions for getting the Reward Item.
    3. Reward Item will be provided to customers in the form of equivalent Clubpoints, customers can then use the Clubpoints to redeem the Reward Item on The Club platform through designated link within designated period of time. MoneyHero will provide eligible customer with a unique Clubpoints Promotion Code (“Promotion Code”) that can be used to redeem Clubpoints on The Club platform through designated link within designated period of time (see Clause 4 below). Customers agree that successful redemption for Clubpoints using the Promotion Code does not mean that customers have successfully reserved or ordered the actual product of the Reward Item. Customers can then redeem designated actual product of the Reward Item with the Clubpoints redeemed with the Promotion Code (see Clause 5 below). The amount of Clubpoints that can be redeemed by the Promotion Code may vary according to different Reward Item selected. For details, please visit (https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x).
    4. Details on getting and using the Clubpoints Promotion Code:
    5. To get the Promotion Code, customers must provide The Club membership ID within the designated period when requested by MoneyHero. The Promotion Code will only be applicable to the The Club account with The Club Membership ID provided by the customer to MoneyHero. Customers agree that MoneyHero will transfer relevant information including The Club Membership ID to The Club for generating the unique Promotion Code and crediting Clubpoints. Customer must be a member of The Club (“The Club Member”), a loyalty programme operated by Club HKT Limited (“The Club”) in order to use the Promotion Code and the Clubpoints.
    6. Within 16 weeks after the end of the Promotion Period and after the customer’s eligibility for the Reward Item has been successfully verified by the designated bank (whichever occurs later), MoneyHero will send an email to the registered email address of the customer (email address provided via MoneyHero’s reward redemption form after credit card application) with a designated form for the customer to fill in and return with their The Club membership ID within 7 days from the send date of the email. Within 4 weeks after receiving the customer's The Club membership ID, MoneyHero will send a "Reward Redemption" email (“Notification Email”) to eligible customers, with a unique Promotion Code that will be used to credit Clubpoints to their The Club account on The Club platform.
    7. Customers must ensure that their correct email address is provided via MoneyHero’s reward redemption form after credit card application such that the designated form and the Promotion Code can be delivered to the customers. MoneyHero will not be responsible for any Promotion Code delivery failure due to an invalid email address. Customers may redeem Clubpoints by entering the Promotion Code on The Club’s designated webpage (https://www.theclub.com.hk/en/my-account/manage-my-clubpoint.html) or The Club App's "Manage My Clubpoints" page within 90 days starting from the send date of the Notification Email. The Promotion Code will only be valid for 90 days starting from the send date of the Notification Email. Customers may then go to the “Exclusive Rewards” page to redeem the designated Reward Item with Clubpoints within 90 days starting from the send date of the Notification Email. If customers fail to redeem Clubpoints with the Promotion Code and/ or the Reward Item before they expire, the Promotion Code and/ or the right to redeem the designated Reward Item will be forfeited and customers will not be compensated.
    8. The Promotion Code will only be applicable to the The Club account with The Club Membership ID provided by the customer to MoneyHero. If the Clubpoints cannot be credited due to any incorrect data provided by the customer, it will be deemed as forfeited, The Club will not be liable for it and no compensation will be given. In the event of any disputes arising from or relating to the Promotion Code, The Club and MoneyHero will have the final decision. The Club and MoneyHero shall not be liable for invalidation or loss of any Promotion Code. The Clubpoints earned from this Promotion Code are subject to Terms and Conditions of The Club (https://www.theclub.com.hk/en/terms-and-conditions.html) and this set of terms and conditions. All benefits, amenities, offers, awards and services of The Club are subject to availability and may be changed at any time without notice. For details or enquiries about The Club platform, please contact The Club’s CS hotline at (852) 183 3000. For details and enquiries about the Promotion Code, please contact MoneyHero’s CS hotline at (852) 3018 9760.
    9. The Promotion Code is offered by MoneyHero, and the entitled amount of Clubpoints will be displayed in the Notification Email. If you have any questions about the eligibility and calculation of Clubpoints earned from this promotion, please refer to the MoneyHero website (https://bit.ly/3B6fs5x) or send an email to support@moneyhero.com.hk or to contact MoneyHero’s hotline at (852) 3018 9760 for more details or inquire about relevant promotional information.
    10. The Club is not the service/product provider of MoneyHero-related services/products, and will not make any representations or warranties as to the services/products (including but not limited to quality, applicability and availability) nor will The Club accept any liability in relation to MoneyHero-related services/products.
    11. Details on redemption of actual product of the Reward Item :
    12. The validity period of the Reward Item is 90 days starting from the date of Notification Email sent by MoneyHero ("Validity Period").
    13. Eligible customer may redeem designated actual product of the Reward Item that is added to the “Exclusive Rewards” page of the eligible customer’s The Club Account during the Validity Period. Eligible Customers can choose whether to redeem the designated actual product of the Reward Item during the Validity Period in accordance with the instructions specified in the Notification Email.
    14. Details of the actual product of the Reward Item (including but not limited to product description, collection or delivery details) are listed on the product details page of each Reward Item on The Club platform. The collection or delivery service is provided by The Club platform and subject to relevant conditions as stated on The Club’s promotion page (for details, please visit https://www.theclub.com.hk/en/campaigns/moneyhero-exciting-rewards.html) and other Terms and Conditions of Club Shopping (for details, please visit https://shop.theclub.com.hk/terms-and-conditions).
    15. Terms and conditions of each Reward Item apply, please refer to the relevant product page and the redemption letter issued by The Club for more details.
    16. The Reward Item cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts, offers or promotion. Other promotion codes are not applicable to the Reward Item.
    17. The Reward Item is not for resale, shall not be redeemed for cash or Clubpoints.
    18. The actual quantity available, supply time and delivery time of the actual product of the Reward Item are subject to actual supply. As the availability is subject to a number of factors including but not limited to the suppliers' shipping arrangements and supply, the supply of the actual product of the Reward Item and/or pickup and/or delivery dates are not guaranteed and the order for the actual product of the Reward Item are subject to cancellation without prior notice. The Club does not make any representation or warranty that customers will be able to redeem the actual product of the Reward Item and/or receive them on the estimated delivery date or at all. The actual delivery date will vary depending on the shipping method that customer choose, actual product availability, weather conditions, traffic conditions and other factors. For Club Shopping’s Shipping Policy, please refer
      to https://shop.theclub.com.hk/shipping-policy. The Club and MoneyHero reserve the right to amend and/or cancel the Reward Item or substitute with other products without prior notice.
    19. Reward Item is non-transferrable and only applicable to eligible cardholders.
    20. All product photos are for reference only.
    21. The Club is not the supplier of the Reward Item. The Club makes no representation or warranty as to the products or facilities or services provided by MoneyHero or the suppliers including but not limited to quality and/or safety and/or applicability and/or availability, and The Club accepts no liability for any matters arising from or in relation to the same. Except where required by law, under no circumstances will The Club be liable for any damage, loss, personal injury, accident, delay or irregularity however occasioned, sustained or suffered during or in relation to the Reward Item.
    22. The redemption of Reward Item is also subject to the respective terms and conditions of The Club (https://www.theclub.com.hk/en/terms-and-conditions.html), Club Shopping (https://shop.theclub.com.hk/terms-and-conditions) and the relevant suppliers.
    23. In the event of dispute, the decision of MoneyHero on all matters relating to the Reward Item shall be final. For enquiry, please contact MoneyHero CS hotline at (852) 3018 9760.
    24. In the event of discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.




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