Salary of 10 Graduate Jobs in HK(Summer, 2015)



Last Updated 23 June, 2015

Starting Salaries in 10 Professions for Hong Kong’s Fresh Graduates (Summer, 2015)

Reporter/ Journalist (HKD$11,000)

Despite the long working hours with a shift schedule, a reporter/ journalist is still a dream job for lots of youngsters as they can conduct interview outdoors, not trapped in office.

Translator (HKD$14,000)

Freelance writers work from home while full-time in-house translators would have a shift schedule. A written test is usually given to these job applicants.

Management Trainee (MT) & Banking Staff (HKD$13,000 to 25,000)

Graduate recruitment for MT programs and the banking industry kicks off early. These job roles are highly competitive with both individual and group interviews.

Engineer (HKD$15,000)

The engineering industry is much in need of new talents. Engineers are equipped in basic knowledge not only in engineering, but also in commerce and legal matters.

Flight Attendant (HKD$16,000)

A flight attendant is like everyone’s dream job since childhood. A presentable image is the key for the applicants. Try out the recruitment days of the airlines!

Kindergarten Teacher (HKD$18,000)

Do not misunderstand that dealing with kids is easy. Kindergarten teachers have a heavy workload just like others. Consider a Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education if interested in the career.

Registered Nurse (HKD$ 22,240)

Unsurprisingly, long queues of patients in the local medical system prove the importance of nurses. Their salary keep on soaring and private hospitals can even make better job offers.

Inspector of Police (HKD$36,720)

Hong Kong Police Force has a shortcut especially for fresh graduates. Be part of them as a Probationary Inspector of Police in the beginning. Consider the Police Mentorship Program at university and start training up early.

Doctor (under resident program in hospitals) (HKD$45,020)

Most medical students first work in the public hospitals for experience. Be prepared to fight hard in the pre-university public examinations. A heart to care for the others outweighs the high salary.

Administrative Officer (AO) of the HKSAR Government (HKD$45,150)

Executive Officer II (EO) of the HKSAR Government (HKD$25,600)

Civil servants are deemed to be the most stable jobs in Hong Kong. Bilingual fluency (Chinese and English) is a prerequisite. One has to patiently go through several challenging rounds of written tests and interviews for being the government’s officers.


Read More: With your graduate jobs started, perhaps it's time to learn budgeting! Click here to to have an idea how an ideal budget looks like for the millennials in the workforce.

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