A cash back credit card is a type of card that offers the benefit of earning cash back on your eligible purchases, hence it is a great option for those who prefer to earn tangible rewards and save money on everyday purchases. If you want to maximise your cash back rewards and earn other perks, explore MoneyHero’s cash back credit card comparison page now and earn money on every dollar spent!
Exclusive OfferBest offer in town 2% Unlimited Cash Rebate
Citi Cash Back Card
Cashback Overseas
2 %
Overseas or online foreign currencies spending: 2% cash rebate.
Cashback Local Online Shopping
1 %
Cashback Local
2 %
Local dining and local hotel spending: 2% cash rebate.
Annual Fee Waiver
First year
3 Offers Available
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
HK$1,800 Apple Store Gift Card
+ 3 other gift options
Valid until
09 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
Greater Bay Airlines Round-trip tickets for two from Hong Kong to Japan(Includes 20 kg of luggage, excluding taxes, with destinations including Osaka, Yonago, and Tokushima)
Valid until
09 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
Marshall Stanmore III Bluetooth Speaker (valued at HK$3,499, random colour)
Valid until
09 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
Nintendo Switch (OLED model) (valued at HK$2,680; random color)
Valid until
09 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
Philips RO Water Dispenser ADD6910/90 (valued at HK$2,788)
Valid until
09 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
SONY WF-1000XM5 Headphones (valued at HK$2,490)
Valid until
09 December 2024
Double the joy with Citi
Enjoy fabulous 1-for-1 Dinner Menu with your Citi Mastercard Credit Card
Valid until
16 April 2025
Things to consider for this product:
Dining rebate
Overseas rebate
Unlimited rebate
High-priced welcome gifts
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
Gift Options
HK$1,800 Apple Store Gift Card; or
HK$1,800 HKTVmall e-Gift Voucher; or
HK$1,800 Wellcome Shopping Voucher; or
HK$1,800 Trip.com e-Voucher
New Citibank Customers can get MoneyHero Exclusive reward with HK$1,800 Apple Store Gift Card / HKTVmall e-Gift Voucher / Wellcome Shopping Voucher / Trip.com e-Voucher by following below requirements:
From 19 November 2024 6 p.m till 9 December 2024 6 p.m: Successfully apply for the designated Citibank Credit Card(s) and submitted redemption form via MoneyHero
On or before 9 January 2025: The card must be approved by Citibank
Within first 30 days after card approval: Have accumulated eligible transactions of HK$4,000
Designated Cards include Citi Cash Back Card, Citi Rewards Card, Citi Rewards UnionPay Card & Citi Premier Miles Card ; not applicable to student cards
Have your mobile phone and HKID ready before application! You are advised to upload all required documents when you apply for the card to facilitate the approval process. Don't forget to note down your application reference number. It can be used for checking your application status and claiming MoneyHero exclusive offer.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
If you have any enquiry on the redemption flow of this offer, please refer to the relevant Terms and Conditions
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
Gift Options
Greater Bay Airlines Round-trip tickets for two from Hong Kong to Japan(Includes 20 kg of luggage, excluding taxes, with destinations including Osaka, Yonago, and Tokushima); or
Marshall Stanmore III Bluetooth Speaker (valued at HK$3,499, random colour); or
Nintendo Switch (OLED model) (valued at HK$2,680; random color); or
Philips RO Water Dispenser ADD6910/90 (valued at HK$2,788); or
SONY WF-1000XM5 Headphones (valued at HK$2,490)
New Citibank Customers can get MoneyHero Exclusive reward with Greater Bay Airlines Round-trip tickets for two from Hong Kong to Japan(Includes 20 kg of luggage, excluding taxes, with destinations including Osaka, Yonago, and Tokushima. Limited to 500, first come first serve) / Marshall Stanmore III Bluetooth Speaker (valued at HK$3,499, random colour) / Nintendo Switch (OLED model) (valued at HK$2,680; random color) / Philips RO Water Dispenser ADD6910/90 (valued at HK$2,788) / Sony WF-1000XM5 Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones (valued at HK$2,490, random colour) by following below requirements:
From 19 November 2024 6 p.m. till 9 December 2024 6 p.m.: Successfully apply for the designated Citibank Credit Card(s) and submitted redemption form via MoneyHero
On or before 9 January 2025: The card must be approved by Citibank
Within first 30 days after card approval: Have accumulated eligible transactions of HK$4,000
Designated Cards include Citi Cash Back Card, Citi Rewards Card, Citi Rewards UnionPay Card & Citi Premier Miles Card ; not applicable to student cards
The redemption period for the Greater Bay Area Airlines tickets offered in this promotional event is from November 15, 2024, to April 30, 2025. Travel dates are from January 1, 2025, to July 10, 2025, and are not applicable on specified dates. For details, please refer to this website( https://moneyhero.link/citi-core-gba-jp-tnc-listing)
Have your mobile phone and HKID ready before application! You are advised to upload all required documents when you apply for the card to facilitate the approval process. Don't forget to note down your application reference number. It can be used for checking your application status and claiming MoneyHero exclusive offer.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
If you have any enquiry on the redemption flow of this offer, please refer to the relevant Terms and Conditions
Double the joy with Citi
Gift Options
Enjoy fabulous 1-for-1 Dinner Menu with your Citi Mastercard Credit Card
Double the joy with Citi
Valid until 16 April 2025 and valid only on Wednesdays. Enjoy fabulous 1-for-1 Dinner Menu at designated Michelin-starred and renowned restaurants with your Citi Mastercard Credit Card on Wednesday night. Treat a friend to an unforgettable meal for the price of one! Designated restaurants:
ANDO - Andō x Citibank Dinner Tasting Menu (HK$1,350)(Asia's 50 Best Restaurant)
Duddell's - Duddell's x Citibank Dinner Tasting Menu (HK$1,488)(SCMP 100 Top Tables)
Louise - Designated Dinner Menu (HK$1,488)(OAD Asia Top Restaurants )
Restaurant Petrus - Designated Dinner Menu (HK$1,500)(OAD Asia Top Restaurants)
Shang Palace -Michelin Award Celebration Menu for Citibank Cardholders (HK$1,328)(SCMP 100 Top Tables)
The Aubrey -Classic Izakaya Experience Dinner Menu (HK$950)(Asia's 50 Best Bars)
Terms and Conditions apply , for more detail click here
Product Feature :
Most suitable for customer who has big spending in short period
Earn the welcome offer with a cost-free strategy by using e-wallet transactions (PayMe / Alipay HK) which count towards the welcome spending requirement
Clear requirement of Welcome Gift. Auto cash rebate with no cap. Cash rebate will be used to settle the outstanding balance of the statement.
2% rebate on local dining spending
2% rebate on local hotel spending
2% rebate on spending in foreign currency
1% unlimited rebate on other spending
Rebate will be credited to the eligible card account on the following statement of account when the accumulated rebate balance reaches HK$200 or above and be used to settle the outstanding balance as well as new purchases excluding the Minimum Payment Due.
Purchase Protection Insurance
Purchases will be insured against any damages or loss for up to US$7,600 within 30 days of purchase.
First year annual fee waiver
The MoneyHero Exclusive Offer does not apply to student cards
Welcome offers and MoneyHero exclusive offer are only applicable to customers who currently do not hold, have not cancelled or have not held any principal card of Citi Credit Card within the past 12 months from the month of application for the Eligible Card ("New Customer").
Transactions made at any merchant in the European Economic Area are not entitled to 2% foreign currency cash rebate
Eligible Foreign Currency Transactions exclude card-present transactions made by Cardholders at any merchant with physical premises, address of the fixed place of business or business license in any country participating in the European Economic Area (EEA) or joining after 19 October 2020. 1% Basic Cash Rebate will be awarded to card-present transactions made at merchants in the EEA.
Eligibility :
Minimum Age: 18 years old
Min. Annual Income: HK$ 120000
BOC Cheers Visa Infinite Card
Cashback Overseas
4 %
10X Gift Points on Travel Spending, equivalent to HK$1.5/Mile or 4% Cash Rebate
Cashback Dining
4 %
10X Gift Points on Dining Spending, equivalent to HK$1.5/Mile or 4% Cash Rebate
Airmiles Dining
$ 1.5 per mile
10X Gift Points on Dining Spending, equivalent to HK$1.5/Mile or 4% Cash Rebate
3 Offers Available
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Gift
Delsey ECLIPSE SE 31" Expandable Spinner Front-opening Suitcase (valued at HK$4,280; random colour)
+ 1 other gift options
Valid until
09 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Voucher
HK$800 Apple Store Gift Card
+ 1 other gift options
Valid until
09 December 2024
Welcome Offer
375,000 Gift Points (Equivalent to 25,000 miles / HK$1,500 Cash Rebate)
Valid until
31 December 2024
Things to consider for this product:
Dining rebate
Oversea rebate
Airport lounge
Fine dining
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Gift
Gift Options
Delsey ECLIPSE SE 31" Expandable Spinner Front-opening Suitcase (valued at HK$4,280; random colour); or
Marshall Emberton II Speaker (valued at HK$1,499)
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Gift
New BOC Credit Card Customers will be entitled to Delsey ECLIPSE SE 31" Expandable Spinner Front-opening Suitcase (valued at HK$4,280; random colour) / Marshall Emberton II Bluetooth Speaker (valued at HK$1,499)exclusively from MoneyHero upon fulfilling the below requirements:
From 22 November 2024 12 noon to 09 December 2024 6 p.m. or the date that the application quota is full (whichever is earlier): New BOC Credit Card Customers who successfully apply for Designated BOC Credit Cards via MoneyHero.
Within 7 days of receiving the form: Submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously.
On or before 31 December 2024: The card must be approved by the Bank (subject to the Bank’s system record)
Offer on a first-come, first-served basis
Moneyhero Limited-time Exclusive Offer is applicable to new customer who does not holding or have not held/cancelled any main BOC credit card in the past 12 months from the date of application Tips:
You are advised to upload all required documents when you apply for the card to facilitate the approval process.
Please complete the redemption form within 7 days. MoneyHero will verify your reward eligibility with Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and BOC Credit Card (International) Limited.
Applicants understand and accept that gift fulfillment is facilitated by MoneyHero. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and BOC Credit Card (International) Limited does not have any liability or responsibility for the gift fulfillment.
MoneyHero is not the intermediary of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and BOC Credit Card (International) Limited, and no service fee will be charged for this banking product application.
If you have concerns regarding the redemption process, please refer to the Terms and Conditions.
The redemption process may take at least 8 weeks starting from the card approval date, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Voucher
Gift Options
HK$800 Apple Store Gift Card; or
HK$800 HKTVmall e-Gift Voucher
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Gift
New BOC Credit Card Customers will be entitled to HK$800 Apple Store Gift Card / HK$800 HKTVmall e-Gift Voucherexclusively from MoneyHero upon fulfilling the below requirements:
From 22 November 2024 12 noon to 09 December 2024 6 p.m. or the date that the application quota is full (whichever is earlier): New BOC Credit Card Customers who successfully apply for Designated BOC Credit Cards via MoneyHero.
Within 7 days of receiving the form: Submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously.
On or before 31 December 2024: The card must be approved by the Bank (subject to the Bank’s system record)
Offer on a first-come, first-served basis
Moneyhero Limited-time Exclusive Offer is applicable to new customer who does not holding or have not held/cancelled any main BOC credit card in the past 12 months from the date of application Tips:
You are advised to upload all required documents when you apply for the card to facilitate the approval process.
Please complete the redemption form within 7 days. MoneyHero will verify your reward eligibility with Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and BOC Credit Card (International) Limited.
Applicants understand and accept that gift fulfillment is facilitated by MoneyHero. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and BOC Credit Card (International) Limited does not have any liability or responsibility for the gift fulfillment.
MoneyHero is not the intermediary of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and BOC Credit Card (International) Limited, and no service fee will be charged for this banking product application.
If you have concerns regarding the redemption process, please refer to the Terms and Conditions.
The redemption process may take at least 8 weeks starting from the card approval date, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
Welcome Offer
Gift Options
375,000 Gift Points (Equivalent to 25,000 miles / HK$1,500 Cash Rebate)
Welcome Offer:
New customers accumulate retail spending of HK$12,000 or above within first 2 months from card issuance can earn 300,000 points(equals to 20,000 miles/HK$1,200 cash rebate); "Private Wealth" or "Wealth Management" customers can earn an extra 75,000 points(equals to 5,000 miles/ HK$300 cash rebate)
Product Feature :
Exclusive Offers:
15% off when booking flights: 15% off when booking flights on Qatar Airways website
25% off when booking hotels: 25% off when booking the same hotel for 4 nights or more on Hotels.com
Share airport lounge access with accompanying guests: No spending requirement, get 2 free lounge visits with a new card, then 2 free visits per calendar year; get 2 free visits every quarter upon accumulated HK$15,000 spending
Get free personal accident insurance when paying for flights/accommodations with the card
Buy-one-get-one-free on selected set menus at premium restaurants (e.g.: Ming Court, Summer Palace, ami, SOMM)
Cash rebate conversion
Up to 10X Gift Points on Dining and Travel Spending (monthly retail spending requirement of HK$5,000 waived till 31 December 2024), equivalent to 4% Cash Rebate (Monthly Capped at 250,000 Points, equivalent to $1,000 Cash Rebate)
Up to 10X Gift Points on Dining and Travel Spending (monthly retail spending requirement of HK$5,000 waived till 31 December 2024), equivalent to $1.5/ mile ( Monthly Capped at 250,000 Points, equivalent to around 16,500 miles)
Basic conversion rate : 15 Points = 1 Mile
Conversion partner : CX Asia Miles, China Eastern Airline - Eastern Miles, Air China - Phoenix Miles
Miles conversion fee waived
Enjoy first year annual fee waiver for the main card, and perpetual annual fee waiver for additional cards. Annual fee will be waived for main cardholders holding a BOC Private Banking, Private Wealth or Wealth Management account
Other things to note
Applicants who are existing main cardholders of BOC Credit Card, and/or BOC Dual Currency Credit Card (Additional Card, Business Card, Commercial Card, Intown Virtual Card, US Dollar Card, Credit Card issued in Macau SAR and Private Label Card are all excluded), or have cancelled the above cards or were once cardholders of the above cards in the 12 months prior to the date of application will not be entitled to the welcome offer for main cardholders upon approval of application.
The Gift Points cannot be converted into cash or exchanged for other gifts and is also not refundable and transferrable.
5% CashBack on designated stores, HKTVmall, PARKnSHOP and other designated stores spending.
Annual Fee Waiver
Perpetual Annual Fee Waiver
4 Offers Available
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Voucher
HK$800 Apple Store Gift Card
+ 3 other gift options
Valid until
31 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Gift
Marshall Emberton II Bluetooth Speaker (valued at: HK$1,499; random color)
+ 1 other gift options
Valid until
31 December 2024
Welcome Offer
HK$800 CashBack
+ 1 other gift options
Valid until
09 January 2025
Smart Card no foreign currency transaction fees offer
No foreign currency transaction fees during travel and No other fees
Valid until
09 January 2025
Things to consider for this product:
No foreign txn fee
Local spending rebate
Annual Fee waiver
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Voucher
Gift Options
HK$800 Apple Store Gift Card; or
HK$800 Wellcome Shopping Voucher; or
HK$800 HKTVmall e-Gift Voucher; or
HK$800 Trip.com e-Gift Voucher
New Standard Chartered Credit Card Customers get rewarded with HK$800 Apple Store Gift Card OR HK$800 Wellcome Shopping Voucher OR HK$800 HKTVmall e-Gift Voucher OR HK$800 Trip.com e-Voucher by fulfilling the following requirements:
From 29 November 2024 6 p.m. to 31 December 2024 6 p.m.: New Standard Chartered Credit Card Customers who successfully apply for Standard Chartered Smart Credit Card via MoneyHero
Within 7 days of receiving the form: Submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously.
On or before 30 January 2025: The card must be approved by Standard Chartered, subject to the Bank’s system records.
Within 7 days of receiving approval: Submit (1) the name of the Designated Card applied for, (2) their application date, and (3) screen capture of the approval SMS or Email notification to support@moneyhero.com.hk, which will be used by MoneyHero to verify reward eligibility.
Please submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously within 7 days of receiving the form.
Have your mobile phone and HKID ready before application! You are advised to upload all required documents when you apply for the card to facilitate the approval process. Don't forget to note down your application reference number. It can be used for checking your application status and claiming MoneyHero exclusive offer.
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer is provided by MoneyHero, Standard Chartered Bank has no relation with its redemption, usage and dispute.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Gift
Gift Options
Marshall Emberton II Bluetooth Speaker (valued at: HK$1,499; random color); or
BRUNO BOE021 Compact Hot Plate (valued at HK$998; Random Color)
New Standard Chartered Credit Card Customers get rewarded with Marshall Emberton II Speaker (Valued: HK$1,499; random color) OR BRUNO BOE021 Compact Hot Plate (valued at HK$998; Random Color) by fulfilling the following requirements:
From 29 November 2024 6 p.m. to 31 December 2024 6 p.m.: New Standard Chartered Credit Card Customers who successfully apply for Standard Chartered Smart Credit Card via MoneyHero
Within 7 days of receiving the form: Submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously.
On or before 30 January 2025: The card must be approved by Standard Chartered, subject to the Bank’s system records.
Within 7 days of receiving approval: Submit (1) the name of the Designated Card applied for, (2) their application date, and (3) screen capture of the approval SMS or Email notification to support@moneyhero.com.hk, which will be used by MoneyHero to verify reward eligibility.
Please submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously within 7 days of receiving the form.
Have your mobile phone and HKID ready before application! You are advised to upload all required documents when you apply for the card to facilitate the approval process. Don't forget to note down your application reference number. It can be used for checking your application status and claiming MoneyHero exclusive offer.
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer is provided by MoneyHero, Standard Chartered Bank has no relation with its redemption, usage and dispute.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
Welcome Offer
Gift Options
HK$800 CashBack; or
Two HKGPPF voucher with Infinity Room Access
From now till 9 January 2025, new Cardholders have accumulated Eligible Transactions of HK$3,500 or above with the newly approved Smart Card within the first month from the date of issuance:
HK$800 OR
Two HKGPPF voucher with Infinity Room Access
The CashBack from Welcome Offer will be credited within 4 months after card issuance
Smart Card no foreign currency transaction fees offer
Gift Options
No foreign currency transaction fees during travel and No other fees
No foreign currency transaction fees during travel and No other fees
Waive 1.95% fee and earn 0.56% CashBack on foreign currency retail transaction
3-months unlimited interest-free instalment plan - you can have more flexibility based on your personal financial situation.
Upon successfully apply for a credit card statement instalment plan with a tenor of 3 months through SC Mobile App or online and the Bank approving such application, the Cardholder will be entitled to interest and handling fee-free period for the first 3-months of the Credit Card Statement Instalment Plan for retail spending over HK$2,000 or above.
Note: Standard Chartered will reverse HK$1 CashBack on the「360° Rewards」Redemption Platform for every HK$180 instalment amount applied. For spending amounts that are not eligible to earn CashBack, Standard Chartered will also reverse HK$1 CashBack for every HK$180 instalment amount applied. Where there is insufficient CashBack balance on the「360° Rewards」Redemption Platform for deduction, a negative balance will be displayed.
5% CashBack at PARKnSHOP
Year round offers: 5% CashBack at designated merchants like HKTVmall and Klook and more
Enjoy 5% CashBack on selected merchants and streaming platforms (HK$1 CashBack for every HK$20 spent).
From 2023 onwards, JHC will be added as a designated merchant
Other designated merchants include 759 Store, Circle K Convenience Store, Klook, SaSa, Watsons, Decathlon, China Mobile Hong Kong (from 9 June 2023 onwards) and Deliveroo (from 1 April 2023 onwards) etc.
Major online video and music streaming platforms include Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Netflix, Now TV, JOOX, KKBOX, MOOV, Spotify.
No minimum spending requirement.
The cap of 5% CashBack earned within the promotion period is HK$3,000. (You will reach the cap when you spend HK$60,000 at selected merchants.)
Other retail transactions (including online transactions and interest-free monthly instalment), Octopus Automatic Add-Value transactions and PayMe top-up transactions are entitled to 0.55% CashBack.
Agoda Promotion: Standard Chartered Credit Card Customers enjoy up to 7% off on global hotels bookings
Perpetual annual fee waiver
No foreign transaction fee
No matter you pay in Hong Kong dollars or foreign currencies when you shop online or overseas, reimbursement charge is waived.
No cash advance fees
Welcome Offer and MoneyHero Exclusive Offer are only applicable to applicants who do not currently hold and have not cancelled any Standard Chartered Credit Card in the past 6 months.
New Cardholders are applicants who do not currently hold and have not cancelled any principal card of Standard Chartered Credit Card or MANHATTAN Credit Card issued by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited in the past 6 months from the date of approval of their current applications for a principal card of the Standard Chartered Credit Cards.
Promotion period is from 1 January to 31 December 2023 of 5% CashBack on Eligible Transactions made at Designated Merchants
You are required to redeem CashBack through the 360° Rewards Redemption Platform.
The CashBack earned will be shown on the 360° Rewards Redemption Platform after the relevant Eligible Transaction is posted, and will not be automatically credited to the Card account.
Cardholders are required to redeem CashBack through the platform.
The minimum threshold for CashBack redemption per Card account is HK$50 per account redemption.
Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to Standard Chartered website for credit card details.
To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
Eligibility :
Minimum Age: 18 years old
Min. Annual Income: HK$ 96000
Best-in-town unlimited cashback
Mox Credit Card (CashBack)
Cashback Designated Local Spending
Up to 5 %
2% Unlimited Cashback at all spending if you keep Savings Account balance of HKD 75,000 with Mox Bank else 1% Unlimited cashback
Cashback Local
2 %
Earn best-in-town unlimited CashBack everywhere. Enjoy 2% Unlimited Cashback on all spending if you keep a savings account balance of HKD75,000 or more with us; otherwise, you can still earn 1% Unlimited CashBack.
Annual Fee Waiver
4 Offers Available
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer (with the invitation code "MHNYR")
Delsey ECLIPSE SE 31" Expandable Spinner Front-opening Suitcase (valued at HK$4,280; random colour)
+ 2 other gift options
Valid until
15 January 2025
MoneyHero Limited-Time Welcome Voucher (with the invitation code "MHNYR")
HK$1,200 Apple Store Gift Card
+ 2 other gift options
Valid until
15 January 2025
Mox Bank X Trip.com Promotion
Up to 9% Hotel Discount + Up to HK$100 Flight Discount
Valid until
31 December 2024
New fund deposit offer and million Asia Miles lucky draw
6,250 Asia Miles + 1,000,000 exclusive miles earned every week
Valid until
31 December 2024
Things to consider for this product:
Instant onboarding
Unlimited Instant Cashback
Instant Cash Loan
0% Instalment offer
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer (with the invitation code "MHNYR")
Remember to click here for completing the "MoneyHero Reward Redemption Form" after successfully submitting the application and receiving the application code within 14 days
Gift Options
Delsey ECLIPSE SE 31" Expandable Spinner Front-opening Suitcase (valued at HK$4,280; random colour); or
DELONGHI EC685 Pump Espresso Coffee Machine (Valued at HK$2,160); or
Marshall Motif II A.N.C. True Wireless Headphones (valued at HK$1,599)
Open a Mox Account successfully with the invitation code "MHNYR", successfully apply for Mox Credit Card via MoneyHero and spend HK$15,000 within 60 calendar days after approval to enjoy: Delsey ECLIPSE SE 31" Expandable Front Opening Suitcase (valued at HK$4,280; random colour) / Marshall Motif II A.N.C. True Wireless Headphones (valued at HK$1,599) / DELONGHI EC685 Pump Espresso Coffee Machine (valued at HK$2,160)
From 29 November 2024 6 p.m. to 15 January 2025 11:59 p.m.: New Mox customers who successfully apply for Mox Credit Card via MoneyHero
Within 14 days of after receiving the successful application email from Mox when your Mox Credit Card approved: Submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously
The Mox Credit Card must be approved by Mox within 30 days after opening the Mox Bank Account, subject to the Bank’s system records
Successfully open the Mox Bank Account as well as Mox Credit Card and accumulate spending of HK$15,000 within 60 calendar days after approval to receive an email with application reference number (7 or 9 alpha-numeric digits) from Mox in 14 working days. Please submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously within 14 days of after successfully fulfilling the required spending.
Remember to have your cell phone and Hong Kong Identity Card ready before applying! It is recommended to submit all the required documents in one go to speed up the approval process.. After successfully fulfilling the spending requirement, you will receive an email notice with application reference number (7 or 9 alpha-numeric digits) in 14 working days. Please be reminded to enter the Invitation Code to get the application reference number, if you don't receive the email, please check your spam folder.
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer is provided by MoneyHero, Mox has no relation with its redemption, usage and dispute.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
MoneyHero Limited-Time Welcome Voucher (with the invitation code "MHNYR")
Remember to click here for completing the "MoneyHero Reward Redemption Form" after successfully submitting the application and receiving the application code within 14 days
Gift Options
HK$1,200 Apple Store Gift Card; or
HK$1,200 HKTVmall e-Gift Voucher; or
HK$1,200 Wellcome Shopping Voucher
Open a Mox Account successfully with the invitation code "MHNYR", successfully apply for Mox Credit Card via MoneyHero and spend HK$15,000 within 60 calendar days after approval to enjoy: HK$1200 Apple Gift Card OR HKTVmall e-Gift Voucher OR Wellcome Shopping Voucher
From 29 November 2024 6 p.m. to 15 January 2025 11:59 p.m.: New Mox customers who successfully apply for Mox Credit Card via MoneyHero
Within 14 days of after receiving the successful application email from Mox when your Mox Credit Card approved: Submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously
The Mox Credit Card must be approved by Mox within 30 days after opening the Mox Bank Account, subject to the Bank’s system records
Successfully open the Mox Bank Account as well as Mox Credit Card and accumulate spending of HK$15,000 within 60 calendar days after approval to receive an email with application reference number (7 or 9 alpha-numeric digits) from Mox in 14 working days. Please submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously within 14 days of after successfully fulfilling the required spending.
Remember to have your cell phone and Hong Kong Identity Card ready before applying! It is recommended to submit all the required documents in one go to speed up the approval process. After successfully fulfilling the spending requirement, you will receive an email notice with application reference number (7 or 9 alpha-numeric digits) in 14 working days. Please be reminded to enter the Invitation Code to get the application reference number, if you don't receive the email, please check your spam folder.
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer is provided by MoneyHero, Mox has no relation with its redemption, usage and dispute.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
Mox Bank X Trip.com Promotion
Gift Options
Up to 9% Hotel Discount + Up to HK$100 Flight Discount
Mox Bank X Trip.com Promotion - Up to 9% exclusive hotel and flight discounts on Trip.com
Promotion Period: From now until 31 December 2024
Valid for hotel stays and flight departures: From now until 15 January 2025
During the promotion period, Mox customers can enjoy exclusive discount offers when booking hotels or flights via a specified page on Trip.com directed from our specified link. Simply use Mox Credit Card and enter the unique promo codes below for instant savings, earning up to 9% discount and 5.5% discount respectively, including an extra 3% CashBack
Offer 1: Enjoy a 6% discount on hotel bookings with promo code “MOXH” (applicable to room rates and taxes only)
Offer 2: Get discounts on flights with promo code “MOXF”: Get HK$50 off for orders over HK$2,000 or HK$100 off for orders over HK$4,000 (applicable to adult ticket fares only, excluding taxes and other surcharges)
With Mox Credit Credit, earn best-in-town unlimited CashBack everywhere
Earn 3% unlimited CashBack at supermarkets in Hong Kong (including Donki, HKTVmall, Yata, Parknshop, Wellcome, AEON, etc.)
Earn 2% unlimited CashBack (with an Eligible Balance of HKD250,000 or above)! Or earn 1% unlimited CashBack if otherwise
Earn a total of up to 5% CashBack at selected daily merchants
Want to earn Asia Miles instead? You can switch your spending reward mode to “Miles”, and start earning “best-in-town” HKD4 / mile + 0% FX fees (for both overseas spending / online shopping)
Transfer flexibly with Mox Credit with no fees
Starting 1 May 2023, Mox Credit allows you to effortlessly manage your monthly expenses by making transfers via FPS to pay bills or send money to loved ones
Whether you need to transfer money to friends or family, set up designated payees to pay rent, tuition fees, or miscellaneous expenses, or purchasing goods and services, Mox Credit makes it easy for you.
Enjoy an interest-free period of up to 56 days with just one click and you can even set up recurring payments to stay ahead of deadlines. If you exceed your personalised transfer limit, a handling fee of up to 2% will be applied. To keep track of your threshold and fees, you can easily check your Mox app
Mox Credit - Numberless All-in-One Bank Card
Up to 56 days of interest-free
Spend with Mox Credit: Enjoy 3% Unlimited CashBack at all supermarkets, includes: Donki, HKTVmall, YATA, PARKnSHOP, Wellcome, AEON etc
No late payment fee
One card for all purchases and cash withdrawal.
No card number, expiry date or CVV on physical card. It is to reduce the risk of losing personal information and for added security benefits.
Use the Mox app to lock/unlock your Mox Credit, update your daily limit, and set ATM PIN. Reduce the risk of fraud even if you lose your card.
Use JETCO ATMs in Hong Kong for free.
Mox Exclusive Offer
Discover discount offers, free gifts, unique experiences and more
These Time Deposit interest rates are subject to the rates quoted by the Bank from time to time. The actual interest rate will be confirmed upon time deposit set up. Interest rates are subject to review according to changes in market conditions from time to time. The Bank reserves the right to change the interest rate offers at any time without prior notice. Before making the relevant transaction, please check on Mox app for the interest rate offers applicable to the transaction. Please note that if you request for an early withdrawal, the upfront interest will be deducted from the time deposit principal amount.
Earned CashBack will be deposited to your Mox Account directly. You no longer need to redeem points.
Perpetual annual fee waiver
Mox Credit terms and conditions and the Mox Credit Key Facts Statement apply.
“Best-in-town” refers to the comparison against 27 credit cards in Hong Kong regarding unlimited cash rebate as published on official website as of 8 March 2024.
Mox Credit Card delivers best-in-town rewards offer of its kind as it is the only credit card in Hong Kong that provides the combination of HKD4 spending for 1 Asia Miles for all spending categories, 0% foreign exchange fee, and no cap for these offers. Compared against 5 mileage-focused credit cards in Hong Kong as published on official websites as of 18 October 2024. Promotional rates are not included in the comparison.
From 3 November 2024, if you have an Eligible Balance of HKD250,000 or more a t the time you make an eligible Mox Credit Card transaction, you may earn unlimited 2% CashBack on the amount of the eligible Mox Credit Card transaction. If you have an Eligible Balance of below HKD250,000 at the time you make an eligible Mox Credit Card transaction, you may earn unlimited 1% CashBack on the amount of eligible Mox Credit Card transaction. See the Definitions Schedule for the definition ‘Eligible Balance’.
From 1 October until 30 November 2024, earn Cash Reward calculated at 3% on the amount of the eligible transaction made with Mox Credit at Selected Daily Merchants of up to HKD210. Selected Daily Merchants 3% Cash Reward Campaign Terms and Conditions applies.
From 4 November 2024, if you have an Eligible Balance of HKD250,000 or more at the time you make an eligible Mox Credit Card transaction, you may earn HKD4 = 1 Asia Mile on the amount of the eligible Mox Credit Card transaction. From 4 November 2024 to 16 February 2025 (both dates inclusive), if you have an Eligible Balance of below HKD250,000 at the time you make an eligible Mox Credit Card transaction, you may earn HKD8 = 1 Asia Mile on the amount of the eligible Mox Credit Card transaction. From 17 February 2025, if you have an Eligible Balance of below HKD250,000 at the time you make an eligible Mox Credit Card transaction, you may earn HKD10 = 1 Asia Mile on the amount of eligible Mox Credit Card transaction. See the Definitions Schedule for the definition ‘Eligible Balance’.
FX Fees refer to the Foreign Exchange Handling Fee and the Cross-Border Access Fee. 0% Foreign Currencies and Overseas Merchant Spending Fees Promotion Terms and Conditions apply (which can be found in the Mox app and/or on its website).
Terms and conditions apply. To borrow or not to borrow! Only borrow if you can repay!
Mox disclaimer applies.
Eligibility :
Minimum Age: 18 years old
Min. Annual Income: No Requirement
sim Credit Card
Cashback Overseas
0.4 %
Cashback will be capped at HK$200 per month
Cashback Local Online Shopping
Up to 8 %
Cashback will be capped at HK$200 per month
Cashback Local
Up to 3 %
Designated store spending. Cashback will be capped at HK$200 per month
Annual Fee Waiver
First year
5 Offers Available
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
HK$600 Apple Store Gift Card + HK$50 cash rebate*
+ 1 other gift options
Valid until
06 December 2024
X’mas Limited Cashback Promotion
New Customer: Up to HK$1,870 CashBack
Valid until
31 December 2024
X’mas Limited Cashback Promotion
Existing Customer: Up to HK$1,120 CashBack
Valid until
31 December 2024
Limited CashBack Promotion
Up to 8% Cash Rebate
Valid until
31 December 2024
Welcome gift
EIGHT Emperor Cinemas Movie e-Vouchers (Reference Value: HKD1,120)
+ 4 other gift options
Valid until
31 December 2024
Limited CashBack Promotion
Cashback of up to 6%, whether you use Apple Pay or Google Pay
Valid until
31 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
Gift Options
HK$600 Apple Store Gift Card + HK$50 cash rebate*; or
From 26 November 2024 12 noon till 6 December 2024 6 p.m.: New 「sim Credit Card」Cardholders who have successfully applied and activated physical card via MoneyHero to get HK$600 Apple Store Gift Card OR HK$600 Wellcome Shopping Voucher without any transaction requirement.
*Complete digital ID verification within 3 hours after application: additional HK$50 Cash Rebate (provided by sim)
Successfully complete the reward form within 7 days after applying
By 6 January 2025: Application successfully approved
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer is applicable to all new card holders
How to redeem MoneyHero exclusive offer?
Within 7 days of receiving the form, complete the redemption form sent via email for verification and follow-up
Note down your application reference number for reference. You will be asked to upload all required documents when you apply the card to facilitate the approval process
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer is provided by MoneyHero, sim Credit Card has no relation with its redemption, usage and dispute
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
X’mas Limited Cashback Promotion
Gift Options
New Customer: Up to HK$1,870 CashBack; or
Existing Customer: Up to HK$1,120 CashBack
Mobile Payment X'mas Flash Offer
During the promotion period from 5 December to 31 December 2024, simply use sim Credit Card to accumulate specific amount on non-online Apple Pay/ Google Pay transactions^, you can earn up to HK$800 cashback. Limited quota. First come, first served, while stocks last.
Subject to Clause 4 below, Eligible Cardholders are required to meet the following requirements in order to qualify for participation in the Promotion:
(a) registration must be completed successfully within the Promotion Period on the designated webpage (https://thesim.com/en/campaign/XMAS_FLASH) of the "sim Credit Card" website (www.thesim.com);
(b) a correct mobile phone number must be provided during the registration for this Promotion. The record of the Card Issuer’s computer system shall be final and conclusive.
The first 1,000 Eligible Cardholders who successfully accumulate the Eligible Transactions (as defined in Clause 5 below) reaching the net amount of HK$10,000 – below HK$20,000 during the Promotion Period with their Eligible Credit Cards will be entitled to HK$300 cashback. Additionally, the first 1,000 Eligible Cardholders who successfully accumulate the Eligible Transactions reaching the net amount of HK$20,000 or more during the Promotion Period with their Eligible Credit Cards will be entitled to HK$800 cashback. The details are as follows:
accumulate the Eligible Transactions
Spending amount requirement
Maximum Cashback % for
a Designated Eligible Transaction
Maximum Cashback each Eligible
Cardholder can receive
Maximum Cashback each Eligible
Cardholder can receive throughout
he entire Promotion Period
HK$10,000 - HK$20,000
first 1000
HKD20,000 or above
first 1000
The above promotion shall be subject to the relevants terms and conditions, please click here
sim Cashback reward up to HK$1,870
CashBack Reward*
New Customer
Existing Customer
Mobile Payment X'mas Flash offer
Up to HK$800
Up to HK$800
Designated Local Merchants Spending
HK$200/ per month
HK$200/ per month
Cashback of up to 6%, whether you use Apple Pay or Google Pay
Up to HK$120
Up to HK$120
Welcome Offer - CashBack
Up to HK$700
Complete digital ID verification within 3 hours after application
Cashback Up to
Up to HK$1,870
Up to HK$1,120
Limited CashBack Promotion
Gift Options
Up to 8% Cash Rebate
During the promotion period, eligible cardholder can receive up to 8 % cash rebates for the following types of eligible retail transactions made with an eligible Card (sim Credit Card / sim World Mastercard):
Types of Eligible Retail Transactions
Rebate Percentages on the Amount of Spending
Monthly CashBack Cap per each Eligible Card Account
Eligible Retail Transactions at Designated Local Merchants^
Other Eligible Retail Transactions
Eligible Online Retail Transactions*
Up to 8%
*Upon accumulating a spending of HK$500 for non- Online Eligible Retail Transactions in a calendar month, any single Eligible Online Retail Transactions in of the amount of HK$500 or above in the calendar month
^Designated Local Merchants: Adidas / @cosme STORE / Fila / Matsukiyo HK / PUMA / Reebok / Sugidama HK / Tokyo Lifestyle
Promotion Period: from 1 August 2024 to 31 December 2024
EIGHT Emperor Cinemas Movie e-Vouchers (Reference Value: HKD1,120); or
HK$200 Cash Rebate; or
HK$200 Apple Store Gift Card; or
HK$200 HKTVmall e-Gift Voucher; or
HK$200 Matsukiyo Cash Voucher
Welcome gift - EIGHT Emperor Cinemas Movie e-Vouchers / HK$200 Cash Rebate / Apple Store Gift Card / HKTVmall e-coupon / Matsukiyo Cash Voucher
New Cardholders, upon accumulating eligible retail transactions, can enjoy the following welcome gift:
New Cardholders can enjoy HK$200 Cash Rebate / Apple Store Gift Card / HKTVmall e-coupon / Matsukiyo Cash Voucher on any eligible transactions within the first 90 days upon the card issuance. Terms and conditions apply.
Spending requirement for sim Credit Card : With accumulated amount of HK$5,000
New Cardholders can enjoy EIGHT Emperor Cinemas Movie e-Voucher(Reference Value: HKD1,120) on any eligible transactions within the first 90 days upon the card issuance. Terms and conditions apply.
Spending requirement for sim Credit Card : With accumulated amount of HK$10,000
Limited CashBack Promotion
Gift Options
Cashback of up to 6%, whether you use Apple Pay or Google Pay
sim Credit Card x Google Pay & Apple Pay Promotion
Promotional Period: 22 October 2024 to 31 December 2024
Phase 1: 22 October to 30 November 2024
Phase 2: 1 December to 31 December 2024
Cumulative Amount of Non-online Google Pay/ Apple Pay Purchases reaching below designated amount in each phase
Maximum Cashback% for Non-online Google Pay/ Apple Pay Transactions with a single net purchase amount of HKD100 or more in each phase
Maximum Cashback Amount in each phase
Maximum Cashback Amount throughout the entire Promotion Period
During the promotion period from 22 October to 31 December 2024, simply use sim Credit Card to accumulate HKD2,000 or more non-online Google Pay/ Apple Pay purchases in individual phases, you can earn up to 10% cashback on non-online Google Pay/ Apple Pay transactions with a single net purchase amount of HKD100 or more.
The reward(s) will be automatically awarded to the Eligible Credit Card account of the principal cardholder by the Card Issuer on or before 14 March 2025.
If an Eligible Cardholder is issued and holds multiple Eligible Credit Cards at the same time, the accumulated Eligible Transaction amounts will be calculated separately for each Eligible Credit Card account.
Up to 8% cash rebate for online retail spending (after accumulating eligible non-online retail spending of HK$500 in the month, a single net transaction of HK$500 or more during the month will earn 8% cash rebate for eligible online retail spending)
3 % cash rate for eligible spending at designated local merchants(Designated local merchant includes: Adidas, Fila, PUMA, @cosme STORE, Matsukiyo HK, Sugidama HK, Reebok, Tokyo Lifestyle)
Cashback will be capped at HK$200 per month
Terms and Conditions apply: https://www.thesim.com/en/legal
Eligibility :
Minimum Age: 18 years old
Min. Annual Income: No Requirement
sim World Mastercard®️
Cashback Overseas
0.4 %
Cashback will be capped at HK$200 per month
Cashback Local Online Shopping
Up to 8 %
Cashback will be capped at HK$200 per month
Cashback Local
Up to 3 %
Designated store spending. Cashback will be capped at HK$200 per month
Annual Fee Waiver
First year
5 Offers Available
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
HK$600 Apple Store Gift Card + HK$50 cash rebate*
+ 1 other gift options
Valid until
06 December 2024
X’mas Limited Cashback Promotion
New Customer: Up to HK$1,870 CashBack
Valid until
31 December 2024
X’mas Limited Cashback Promotion
Existing Customer: Up to HK$1,120 CashBack
Valid until
31 December 2024
Limited CashBack Promotion
Up to 8% Cash Rebate
Valid until
31 December 2024
Welcome gift
EIGHT Emperor Cinemas Movie e-Vouchers (Reference Value: HKD1,120)
+ 4 other gift options
Valid until
31 December 2024
Limited CashBack Promotion
Cashback of up to 6%, whether you use Apple Pay or Google Pay
Valid until
31 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
Gift Options
HK$600 Apple Store Gift Card + HK$50 cash rebate*; or
From 26 November 2024 12 noon till 6 December 2024 6 p.m.: New 「sim Credit Card」Cardholders who have successfully applied and activated physical card via MoneyHero to get HK$600 Apple Store Gift Card OR HK$600 Wellcome Shopping Voucher without any transaction requirement.
*Complete digital ID verification within 3 hours after application: additional HK$50 Cash Rebate (provided by sim)
Successfully complete the reward form within 7 days after applying
By 6 January 2025: Application successfully approved
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer is applicable to all new card holders
How to redeem MoneyHero exclusive offer?
Within 7 days of receiving the form, complete the redemption form sent via email for verification and follow-up
Note down your application reference number for reference. You will be asked to upload all required documents when you apply the card to facilitate the approval process
MoneyHero Limited-Time Exclusive Offer is provided by MoneyHero, sim Credit Card has no relation with its redemption, usage and dispute
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
X’mas Limited Cashback Promotion
Gift Options
New Customer: Up to HK$1,870 CashBack; or
Existing Customer: Up to HK$1,120 CashBack
Mobile Payment X'mas Flash Offer
During the promotion period from 5 December to 31 December 2024, simply use sim Credit Card to accumulate specific amount on non-online Apple Pay/ Google Pay transactions^, you can earn up to HK$800 cashback. Limited quota. First come, first served, while stocks last.
Subject to Clause 4 below, Eligible Cardholders are required to meet the following requirements in order to qualify for participation in the Promotion:
(a) registration must be completed successfully within the Promotion Period on the designated webpage (https://thesim.com/en/campaign/XMAS_FLASH) of the "sim Credit Card" website (www.thesim.com);
(b) a correct mobile phone number must be provided during the registration for this Promotion. The record of the Card Issuer’s computer system shall be final and conclusive.
The first 1,000 Eligible Cardholders who successfully accumulate the Eligible Transactions (as defined in Clause 5 below) reaching the net amount of HK$10,000 – below HK$20,000 during the Promotion Period with their Eligible Credit Cards will be entitled to HK$300 cashback. Additionally, the first 1,000 Eligible Cardholders who successfully accumulate the Eligible Transactions reaching the net amount of HK$20,000 or more during the Promotion Period with their Eligible Credit Cards will be entitled to HK$800 cashback. The details are as follows:
accumulate the Eligible Transactions
Spending amount requirement
Maximum Cashback % for
a Designated Eligible Transaction
Maximum Cashback each Eligible
Cardholder can receive
Maximum Cashback each Eligible
Cardholder can receive throughout
he entire Promotion Period
HK$10,000 - HK$20,000
first 1000
HKD20,000 or above
first 1000
The above promotion shall be subject to the relevants terms and conditions, please click here
sim Cashback reward up to HK$1,870
CashBack Reward*
New Customer
Existing Customer
Mobile Payment X'mas Flash offer
Up to HK$800
Up to HK$800
Designated Local Merchants Spending
HK$200/ per month
HK$200/ per month
Cashback of up to 6%, whether you use Apple Pay or Google Pay
Up to HK$120
Up to HK$120
Welcome Offer - CashBack
Up to HK$700
Complete digital ID verification within 3 hours after application
Cashback Up to
Up to HK$1,870
Up to HK$1,120
Limited CashBack Promotion
Gift Options
Up to 8% Cash Rebate
During the promotion period, eligible cardholder can receive up to 8 % cash rebates for the following types of eligible retail transactions made with an eligible Card (sim Credit Card / sim World Mastercard):
Types of Eligible Retail Transactions
Rebate Percentages on the Amount of Spending
Monthly CashBack Cap per each Eligible Card Account
Eligible Retail Transactions at Designated Local Merchants^
Other Eligible Retail Transactions
Eligible Online Retail Transactions*
Up to 8%
*Upon accumulating a spending of HK$500 for non- Online Eligible Retail Transactions in a calendar month, any single Eligible Online Retail Transactions in of the amount of HK$500 or above in the calendar month
^Designated Local Merchants: Adidas / @cosme STORE / Fila / Matsukiyo HK / PUMA / Reebok / Sugidama HK / Tokyo Lifestyle
Promotion Period: from 1 August 2024 to 31 December 2024
EIGHT Emperor Cinemas Movie e-Vouchers (Reference Value: HKD1,120); or
HK$700 Cash Rebate; or
HK$700 Apple Store Gift Card; or
HK$700 HKTVmall e-Gift Voucher; or
HK$700 Matsukiyo Cash Voucher
Welcome gift - EIGHT Emperor Cinemas Movie e-Vouchers / HK$700 Cash Rebate / Apple Store Gift Card / HKTVmall e-coupon / Matsukiyo Cash Voucher
New Cardholders, upon accumulating eligible retail transactions, can enjoy the following welcome gift:
New Cardholders can enjoy HK$700 Cash Rebate / Apple Store Gift Card / HKTVmall e-coupon / Matsukiyo Cash Voucher on any eligible transactions within the first 90 days upon the card issuance. Terms and conditions apply.
Spending requirement for sim Mastercard®: With accumulated amount of HK$12,000
New Cardholders can enjoy EIGHT Emperor Cinemas Movie e-Voucher(Reference Value: HKD1,120) on any eligible transactions within the first 90 days upon the card issuance. Terms and conditions apply. Spending requirement for sim Mastercard® : With accumulated amount of HK$10,000
Limited CashBack Promotion
Gift Options
Cashback of up to 6%, whether you use Apple Pay or Google Pay
sim Credit Card x Google Pay & Apple Pay Promotion
Promotional Period: 22 October 2024 to 31 December 2024
Phase 1: 22 October to 30 November 2024
Phase 2: 1 December to 31 December 2024
Cumulative Amount of Non-online Google Pay/ Apple Pay Purchases reaching below designated amount in each phase
Maximum Cashback% for Non-online Google Pay/ Apple Pay Transactions with a single net purchase amount of HKD100 or more in each phase
Maximum Cashback Amount in each phase
Maximum Cashback Amount throughout the entire Promotion Period
During the promotion period from 22 October to 31 December 2024, simply use sim Credit Card to accumulate HKD2,000 or more non-online Google Pay/ Apple Pay purchases in individual phases, you can earn up to 10% cashback on non-online Google Pay/ Apple Pay transactions with a single net purchase amount of HKD100 or more.
The reward(s) will be automatically awarded to the Eligible Credit Card account of the principal cardholder by the Card Issuer on or before 14 March 2025.
If an Eligible Cardholder is issued and holds multiple Eligible Credit Cards at the same time, the accumulated Eligible Transaction amounts will be calculated separately for each Eligible Credit Card account.
Up to 8% cash rebate for online retail spending (after accumulating eligible non-online retail spending of HK$500 in the month, a single net transaction of HK$500 or more during the month will earn 8% cash rebate for eligible online retail spending)
3% cash rate for eligible spending at designated local merchants(Designated local merchant includes: Adidas, Fila, PUMA, @cosme STORE, Matsumoto Kiyoshi, Reebok, Tokyo Lifestyle)
Cashback will be capped at HK$200 per month
New customers:
at the time of the application, not currently holding and has not, within the past 12 calendar months from the month of application, cancelled nor held any principal card issued by the Card Issuer;
at the time of the application, not currently using any loan or credit services of the Card Issuer or maintaining any loan or credit accounts with the Card Issuer and has not, within the past 24 calendar months from the month of application, used any loan or credit services of the Card Issuer or maintained any loan or credit accounts with the Card Issuer.
Existing Credit Card cardholders^ who successfully apply for Hang Seng MMPOWER WorldMastercard® via MoneyHero and spent HK$400 within 30 calendar days after approval are entitled to HK$400 Apple Store Gift Card / Wellcome shopping voucher / Trip.com e-Voucher
Important dates :
Within 30 days after card issuance: The card must be approved by Hang Seng.
Existing Credit Card customer - Spent HK$400 within 30 calendar days after approval.
How to redeem Moneyhero Exclusive Offer?
Note down your application reference number for reference. You will be asked to upload all required documents when you apply the card to facilitate the approval process.
Within 7 days of receiving the form, complete the redemption form sent via email for verification and follow-up. MoneyHero will verify your reward eligibility with Hang Seng.
Tips: If you apply over the phone, please remember to download the Hang Seng Mobile App first, then apply through the link, and you will be entitled to receive the MoneyHero Reward if you spend the designated amount within a certain number of days after card approval.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
^“Existing Credit Card Customers” who are currently holding and/or have ever held the Principal Card of any personal credit card/affinity card/co-branded card (excluding spending card and private label card) issued by Hang Seng during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of application.
MoneyHero Exclusive Gift (Existing Customer)
Gift Options
Existing Credit Card Customer : : Marshall Willen Wireless Portable Speaker(valued at HK$999) ; or
Existing Credit Card Customer : BRUNO BAK802 Soymilk & Hot Soup Blender (valued at HK$698, random colour)
From now till 15 December 2024 11.59p.m.
Existing Credit Card cardholders^ who successfully apply for Hang Seng MMPOWER WorldMastercard® via MoneyHero and spent HK$400 within 30 calendar days after approval are entitled to Marshall Willen Bluetooth Speaker (valued at HK$999) OR BRUNO BAK802 Soymilk & Hot Soup Blender (valued at HK$698, random colour)
Important dates :
Within 30 days after card issuance: The card must be approved by Hang Seng.
Existing Credit Card customer - Spent HK$400 within 30 calendar days after approval.
How to redeem Moneyhero Exclusive Offer?
Note down your application reference number for reference. You will be asked to upload all required documents when you apply the card to facilitate the approval process.
Within 7 days of receiving the form, complete the redemption form sent via email for verification and follow-up. MoneyHero will verify your reward eligibility with Hang Seng.
Tips: If you apply over the phone, please remember to download the Hang Seng Mobile App first, then apply through the link, and you will be entitled to receive the MoneyHero Reward if you spend the designated amount within a certain number of days after card approval.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
^“Existing Credit Card Customers” who are currently holding and/or have ever held the Principal Card of any personal credit card/affinity card/co-branded card (excluding spending card and private label card) issued by Hang Seng during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of application.
MoneyHero Exclusive Voucher (New to Bank Customer)
Gift Options
New Credit Card Customer : HK$800 Apple Store Gift Card; or
New Credit Card Customer :HK$800 Wellcome Shopping Voucher; or
New Credit Card Customer : HK$800 Trip.com e-Voucher
From now till 15 December 2024 11.59p.m.
New Credit Card cardholders* who successfully apply for Hang Seng MMPOWER WorldMastercard® via MoneyHero and spent HK$800 within 30 calendar days after approval are entitled to HK$800 Apple Store Gift Card / Wellcome shopping voucher / Trip.com e-Voucher
Important dates :
Within 30 days after card issuance: The card must be approved by Hang Seng.
New Credit Card customers* - Spent HK$800 within 30 calendar days after approval.
How to redeem Moneyhero Exclusive Offer?
Note down your application reference number for reference. You will be asked to upload all required documents when you apply the card to facilitate the approval process.
Within 7 days of receiving the form, complete the redemption form sent via email for verification and follow-up. MoneyHero will verify your reward eligibility with Hang Seng.
Tips: If you apply over the phone, please remember to download the Hang Seng Mobile App first, then apply through the link, and you will be entitled to receive the MoneyHero Reward if you spend the designated amount within a certain number of days after card approval.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
*“New Credit Card Customers” refer to applicants who are not currently holding and have never held the Principal Card of any Hang Seng Credit Card / Affinity Card / Spending Card during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of application.
MoneyHero Exclusive Gift (New to Bank Customer)
Gift Options
New Credit Card Customer : Furusachi Ultimate Travel Line Front-opening Suitcase 31"(Valued HK$4,300;Random Colour); or
New Credit Card Customer : Sennheiser ACCENTUM Wireless Headphone(Valued HK$1,599;Random Colour); or
New Credit Card Customer : Marshall Motif II A.N.C. True Wireless Headphones (valued at HK$1,599)
From now till 15 December 2024 11.59p.m.
New Credit Card cardholders* who successfully apply for Hang Seng MMPOWER WorldMastercard® via MoneyHero and spent HK$800 within 30 calendar days after approval are entitled to Furusachi Ultimate Travel Line Front-opening Suitcase 31" (valued at HK$4,300, random colour) OR Marshall Motif II A.N.C. True Wireless Headphones (valued at HK$1,599) ORennheiser ACCENTUM Wireless Headphone (valued at HK$1,599)
Important dates :
Within 30 days after card issuance: The card must be approved by Hang Seng.
New Credit Card customers* - Spent HK$800 within 30 calendar days after approval.
How to redeem Moneyhero Exclusive Offer?
Note down your application reference number for reference. You will be asked to upload all required documents when you apply the card to facilitate the approval process.
Within 7 days of receiving the form, complete the redemption form sent via email for verification and follow-up. MoneyHero will verify your reward eligibility with Hang Seng.
Tips: If you apply over the phone, please remember to download the Hang Seng Mobile App first, then apply through the link, and you will be entitled to receive the MoneyHero Reward if you spend the designated amount within a certain number of days after card approval.
The redemption process may take at least 16 weeks upon campaign period ends, depending on the actual situation regarding user approval and transaction status or other factors that may affect eligibility for the Promotion Reward
*“New Credit Card Customers” refer to applicants who are not currently holding and have never held the Principal Card of any Hang Seng Credit Card / Affinity Card / Spending Card during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of application.
Welcome Offer - Up to $700 +FUN Dollars
Gift Options
New Customer:$700 +FUN Dollars; or
Existing Customer:$300 +FUN Dollars
Valid until 31 December 2024, successfully apply Hang Seng MMPOWER World Mastercard, and make HK$5,000 eligible spending within 60 days from the date of card issuance, can enjoy the following welcome offer:
New Customers: $700 +FUN Dollars
Existing Customer: $300 +FUN Dollars
Full-Time Student who has made HK$2,000 eligible spending within 60 days from the date of card issuance is entitled to get $300 +FUN Dollars
From 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025 (both dates inclusive), customers who register via hangseng.com/mpower and accumulates monthly eligible spending of HK$5,000 or above can enjoy below spending rebates:
Selected spending categories 1% +FUN Dollars (Select 2 out of 3: Dining (dine-in and takeaway at restaurant outlets; fast food not included), Electronics, Entertainment (video and music streaming platforms, local cinemas in Hong Kong, local theme parks, Cityline ticket spendings and more)
Rebates for Overseas Spending, Online Retail Spending and Self-Selected Categories Spending mentioned above have included basic 0.4% +FUN Dollars on Hang Seng Credit Card (HKD250 retail spending can earn $1 +FUN Dollar) and extra rebate. During the Promotion Period, customers can enjoy up to extra $500 +FUN Dollars in total per month
Terms and conditions apply. Please visit hangseng.com/mpower for details, terms and conditions of 2024 MMPOWER World Mastercard +FUN Dollars Rewards.
Earn extra 5% +FUN Dollars with purchasing notebook. Terms and conditions apply, please visit hangseng.com/nop & hangseng.com/cardspromo for details.
World Mastercard Privileges
Personal concierge services: Arrange a personal, dedicated meet-and-greet agent to escort you through the airport on departure, arrival or any connecting flights.
If the customer has held a Hang Seng MMPOWER World Mastercard® as the primary cardholder within the 12 months prior to the application date, they will not be eligible for any additional welcome rewards on this platform. If a customer who has received the offers cancels the relevant credit card account within 13 months from the date of account opening, a handling fee of an equivalent amount will be charged.
“New Credit Card Customers” refer to applicants who are not currently holding and have never held the Principal Card of any Hang Seng Credit Card / Affinity Card / Spending Card during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of application. “Existing Credit Card Customers” who are currently holding and/or have ever held the Principal Card of any personal credit card/affinity card/co-branded card (excluding spending card and private label card) issued by Hang Seng during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of application.
If the customer has held a Hang Seng MMPOWER World Mastercard® as the primary cardholder within the 12 months prior to the application date, they will not be eligible for any additional welcome rewards on this platform. If a customer who has received the offers cancels the relevant credit card account within 13 months from the date of account opening, a handling fee of an equivalent amount will be charged.
+FUN Dollars reward will be credited to the relevant credit card account of the Principal Card customers within 3 months upon fulfillment of the spending requirement(s). The relevant credit card account must be still valid and in good standing when +FUN Dollars are credited
+FUN Dollars accumulated from the last Credit Card annual renewal month to the next annual renewal month will be valid up to 24 months.
MoneyHero may not present bank’s full version of marketing materials but extract some conditions only, to avoid any complaint from customers, below sample disclaimer is suggested. We may edit it if there’s word number limitation.
Hang Seng reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time
To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
Late repayment fee: HK$ 330
Eligibility :
Minimum Age: 18 years old
Min. Annual Income: $ 150000
CNCBI Motion Credit Card
Cashback Overseas
10 %
Enjoy 10% overseas cash rebate as welcome offer
Cashback Local Online Shopping
6 %
Year round 6% cash rebate on dining and online transactions (maximum of HK$200 extra cash rebate in each month.)
Cashback Local
0.5 %
Basic CashBack: 0.5%
Annual Fee Waiver
First year
3 Offers Available
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Gift
Furusachi Ultimate Travel Line Front-opening Suitcase 31" (valued at HK$4,300;random color)
+ 2 other gift options
Valid until
31 December 2024
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Voucher
HK$600 Apple Store Gift Card
+ 3 other gift options
Valid until
31 December 2024
Welcome Offer
10% Cash Rebate on spending in foreign currencies
+ 1 other gift options
Valid until
02 January 2025
Things to consider for this product:
Dining rebate
Online shopping rebate
No foreign txn fee
Annual Fee waiver
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Gift
Gift Options
Furusachi Ultimate Travel Line Front-opening Suitcase 31" (valued at HK$4,300;random color); or
Marshall Emberton II Speaker (valued at HK$1,499); or
Philips ADD4911 2.0L Water Dispenser (valued at HK$898)
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer New CNCBI Credit Card Customers get rewarded and spent HK$100 within 30 calendar days after approval are entitled to
Furusachi Ultimate Travel Line Front-opening Suitcase 31" (valued at HK$4,300;random color)/
Marshall Emberton II Speaker (valued at HK$1,499) /
Philips ADD4911 2.0L Water Dispenser (valued at HK$898)
Valid until 31 December 2024 6 p.m.: Successfully apply for the designated CNCBI Credit Card(s) and submitted redemption form via MoneyHero
On or before 31 January 2025: The card must be approved by CNCBI.
Within 7 days of receiving the form: Submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously.
Upload all required documents, including ID card, income and address proof, when you apply for the card to facilitate the approval process. Don't forget to note down your application reference number. It can be used for checking your application status and claiming MoneyHero exclusive offer.
Designated card(s) include CNCBI Motion Credit Card and CNCBI GBA Dual Currency Credit Card.
Each Eligible Card Customer can only enjoy one MoneyHero Exclusive Offer regardless of the number of card application
New Card Customers are applicants who do not currently hold and have not cancelled any principal card of CNCBI Credit Card in the past 12 months from the month of approval of their current applications for a principal card of the CNCBI Credit Cards.
Please submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously within 7 days of receiving the form.
If you have concerns regarding the redemption process, please refer to the Terms and Conditions.
MoneyHero Exclusive Welcome Voucher
Gift Options
HK$600 Apple Store Gift Card; or
HK$600 Wellcome Shopping Voucher; or
HK$600 Klook Gift Card; or
HK$600 Suning Gift Voucher
MoneyHero Exclusive Offer
New CNCBI Credit Card Customers get rewarded and spent HK$100 within 30 calendar days after approval are entitled to
HK$600 Apple Store Gift Card /
HK$600 Wellcome Shopping Voucher /
HK$600 Klook Gift Card /
HK$600 Suning Gift Voucher
Valid until 31 December 2024 6 p.m.: Successfully apply for the designated CNCBI Credit Card(s) and submitted redemption form via MoneyHero
On or before 31 January 2025: The card must be approved by CNCBI.
Within 7 days of receiving the form: Submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously.
Upload all required documents, including ID card, income and address proof, when you apply for the card to facilitate the approval process. Don't forget to note down your application reference number. It can be used for checking your application status and claiming MoneyHero exclusive offer.
Designated card(s) include CNCBI Motion Credit Card and CNCBI GBA Dual Currency Credit Card.
Each Eligible Card Customer can only enjoy one MoneyHero Exclusive Offer regardless of the number of card application
New Card Customers are applicants who do not currently hold and have not cancelled any principal card of CNCBI Credit Card in the past 12 months from the month of approval of their current applications for a principal card of the CNCBI Credit Cards.
Please submit the reward redemption form sent via email previously within 7 days of receiving the form.
If you have concerns regarding the redemption process, please refer to the Terms and Conditions.
Welcome Offer
Gift Options
10% Cash Rebate on spending in foreign currencies; or
HK$600 Cash Reward
10% Cash Rebate on spending in foreign currencies (Up to HK$1,000 Cash Rebate) within first 3 months starting from the card issuance month; or
HK$600 Cash Rebate upon accumulated eligible spending of HK$6,000 in the first 2 months starting from the card issuance month
6% Cash Rebate on dining and online spending all year round
From 1 January till 31 December 2024, Motion Credit Cardmembers can earn 6% cash rebate on dining and online spending all year round, up to extra HK$200 Cash Rebate per month.
Other things to note:
Welcome Offer and MoneyHero Exclusive Offer are not applicable to any applicant who currently holds or have cancelled any principal card of CNCBI Credit Card in the past 12 months from the month of approval of the current application for a principal card of the CNCBI Credit Card.
Terms and conditions apply. For more details, please visit https://www.cncbinternational.com/personal/promotions/motion_credit_card/en/index.html.
Reminder: To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
Eligibility :
Minimum Age: 18 years old
Min. Annual Income: HK$ 96000
BOC Cheers Visa Signature Card
Cashback Overseas
3.2 %
10X Gift Points on Travel Spending, equivalent to HK$1.9/Mile or 3.2% Cash Rebate
Cashback Dining
3.2 %
10X Gift Points on Dining Spending, equivalent to HK$1.9/Mile or 3.2% Cash Rebate
Airmiles Dining
$ 1.9 per mile
10X Gift Points on Dining Spending, equivalent to HK$1.9/Mile or 3.2% Cash Rebate